Carey Seminary for Theological and Pastoral Formation
Who are we?
A practical academic and biblical initiative began by a team of pastors and ministers of the Evangelical Baptist Convention in Egypt and is sponsored by the convention and its leadership. Joined by an elite group of leaders with distinguished and diverse experience in service inside and outside the church, holding specialized and accredited doctoral degrees. Working together to help the church with its various denominations among Arabic-speaking ministers who want to excel and develop, by equipping them for service to carry the transformative gospel message to their communities and in their professional lives.
Our story and why we started?
The idea of formation was born in recent years with the increase in theological degree holders who, after serving in the real world, expressed encountering many situations and crises for which they had not received training for during their studies. Others said that studying only qualified them for service within the church walls, and upon stepping outside the church they discovered that they were using terminology that were incomprehensible to those served.
Practical experience, and consultation with many influential leaders in the ministry in Egypt and the Arab world, revealed the need for theological education programs that provides ministers with practical tools, so this initiative was born to help actual ministers interact with theological study as a specialized “training” program for empowerment and formation, and not simply to add new academic degrees in their Theological studies. It also seeks to fill the need to equip all believers, both male and female, to participate effectively and equally, with the pastors of their churches, in carrying the Gospel message to their communities, through their interaction in their circles of activities and daily work.
We do not claim that the college offers students a magic wand to solve ministry problems. But it seeks to provide trainees with tools and methodology based on the Word of God and experiences gained from academic theological study to deal with practical situations in ministry inside and outside the walls of the church.
We were accredited as an official seminary affiliated with the General Evangelical Council in May 2022, and Dr. Reverend Andre Zaki, president of the Evangelical council, officially opened it in the presence of leaders of the Evangelical Baptist convention and pastors of different denominations on July 8, 2022. The seminary is now communicating with Middle East and North Africa Association for Theological Education (MENATE) to enroll as member and receive approval of its programs.
What does our name stand for?
Why Should I study at Carey Seminary?
A servant who decided to invest his life’s journey. So, he left his comfort and set off for India at the height of its intellectual, religious and social darkness in 1793, believing in the ability of the Gospel to change individuals and societies.
I want to join Carey because I have a passion to replicate his model in my own neighborhood, both inside and outside the walls of my church.
For Theological formation
The college curriculum provides me with tools to help me understand God’s word and to study and evaluate prevailing ideas in the world, especially our society.
Studying at Carey will help me change my worldview and the way I think about God's Word.
And pastoral
Specially designed academic courses and field training in churches and the field of service and society.
Will Prepare me with the necessary skills and refines my talents to serve practically for the health and growth of my church and to develop my regular lifestyle in my work and environment to serve the Lord and others through everything I do.
Our vision
Arabic-speaking men and women who are shaped in the image of Christ the servant, to carry the gospel message creatively inside and outside the church.
Our mission
Providing an integrated Biblical, academic, and practical program that suits the needs of society today, and in a way that suits the nature of the learners, to provide them with practical tools that trains them and helps them continue their formation and ministry as men and women servants for life.